Horror Masquerading as Action !
16 July 2007
Ohhh, when it comes to this movie, I have such an unlimited anger. And it's a case that you would never understand it, if you didn't live it. So, to clear things up, I'll tell you the story..

In 2001, I was in my early twenties. I heard a lot about Bruce Lee. My father loved him. My mother, who hates any minor shot of violence, loved him. And how she talks till now about his movie (The Big Boss) aka (Fists of Fury), and the experience of watching it at the Egyptian movies back in 1973 with all the gigantic success. Plus, I watched a good movie about him (Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story - 1993). So I found myself shouting: Where are your movies Bruce?!!

I went to the video store, and it was a dumb move (you'll know why!). And WAW, I found a lot of Bruce Lee movies. About 2 crowded shelves of them. Hence, I selected one named (Bruce Lee in New Guinea).

I did it, and watched that one. And OH GOD, please forgive your servant, since I harmed myself, but with no intention. I wouldn't do it if I knew its evil damage, or its mythical level of hideousness!

After that, I didn't understand what was the big fuss about Bruce Lee as a great star! Why does anybody care whether he is here or there. The lead, who I watched, was not that genius or charismatic at all!

Until my late father, may Allah be merciful to him, saw THAT lead, asking me to pause at any of his close ups. And after he examined his face a little, he told me in a very definitive way: "This is not Bruce Lee"! So I became too confused to ask: Who's this silly guy anyway??!!

Back then, I used to visit a cinematic site named IMDb, since I first came upon it in 1999. Therefore, I tended to it immediately to know who that man was. And I discovered the truth; he isn't Bruce Lee. No, my dear friends. He is Bruce Li. And what a huge, so huge, difference!

I just want to know who can love that bad clone, or - god forbid - love his repulsive movies?! I watched 2 of them, and couldn't bear finishing the third! And why to be a clone in the first place, living your whole life as another person else you?! See how (Bruce Lee In New Guinea) is a horror in every way you may look at it!

I hated our video distributors because of their cheap trickery (writing on the posters that THIS IS Bruce Lee!!). Although "Lee" and "Li" are written the same in Arabic, but I think I'll never forgive them! Later on, I watched the original; the one and only Bruce Lee. Yes, his movies weren't the best, but sure he was the best of them. And as a martial artist, he was the real deal.

Finally, a quote by Abraham Lincoln: "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time"!
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