Demon Hunter (2005)
A hugely enjoyable piece of low-budget horror/action trash
27 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Rough'n'tumble half-breed holy a**kicker demon hunter Jake Greyman (a superbly rugged portrayal by Sean Patrick Flanery of "The Boondock Saints") fights various forms of evil for the Catholic Church. He's assigned by Cardinal White (nicely played by William Bassett) to stop nefarious lustful hell spawn Asmodeus (a marvelously creepy and reptilian Billy Drago) and his loyal servant Succubus (gorgeous brunette knockout Tania Deighton, who sports cute little horns) from procreating with fallen Los Angeles prostitutes. Compassionate unorthodox nun Sarah Ryan (a likable performance by striking hottie Colleen Porch) helps Jake out on his desperate mission. The fate of mankind hangs in the balance. Director Scott Ziehl, working from a blithely schlocky script by Mitch Gould, loads this enjoyably silly supernatural claptrap with several rousing bash 'em up fight scenes, a decent smattering of gratuitous nudity, a dab of grisly gore, and even a smidgen of steamy soft-core sex. Moreover, Ziehl keeps the pace rattling along at a satisfying steady clip throughout this movie's short'n'sweet 78 minute running time. Flanery's scruffy, apathetic and cynical character makes for an engagingly hard-around-the-edges anti-hero. Robert C. New's slick, agile cinematography, the wailin', head-bangin' rock soundtrack, Jon Lee's roaring score, and some laughably lousy CGI effects further add to the overall entertainingly trashy fun.
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