Why oh why?
29 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Why oh why is the rating of "0" stars not still available? This movie was a train wreck from start to finish. The premise was like "a movie in a movie" (at least I think it was).

I sat dumbfounded as stereotypes rolled out, one after the other: geeky nerds with glasses, greasy hoods with black, Fonziesque jackets, the large-breasted 'pretty girl', the overweight woman with a huge, voracious appetite and some other woman who keeps pulling long, rubbery mucus(?) out of her nose.

Anyway, none of the characters was interesting, developed or done well. While we sat watching them watch some crappy movie called "Space Patrol" and go through the motions, a 'real' alien invades the theater and slowly starts killing off people. Did you really care? Was there any suspenseful build-up? No. The creature was horrible and although there were a few disgusting elements thrown in a feeble attempt to punch it up a notch, it was way too little and way too late.

Sorry folks... this movie was not fun or had the elements that would 'take you back to the glory days of yesteryear' of Midnight Movies or campy, yet fun horror / sci-fi films. All in all, I'd say if I saved you from dropping a few bucks on this steaming dung heap, your wallet will thank you.
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