Review of Supercroc

Supercroc (2007)
Best Comedy Monster Movie That I Have Seen!
22 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
********** Warning!!!! Here Be Spoilers!!!!! *****************

My wife and I really are into Creature movies like SuperCroc. When we also saw that this one was from Asylum films, we knew we were in for a treat! We were not disappointed. This film was so horrid it wound up being entertaining. Let's analyze this to see just how it succeeds so well in its badness.

Camera work: I swear this thing must have been filmed using a cheap video camera and the sound must have been recorded that way as well. There was the usual bouncy, jerky movement to try to stimulate some kind of excitement. When will Asylum give up that technique? It's really old.

Sound Mix/Subtitles: Asylum is one of those chintzy companies that never does subtitles. It's too bad, because the sound recording is so terrible you really need subtitles to pick up any dialogue. Just to insure that the dialogue is inaudible, the background score just blasts away as if it is being played back on a Boom Box and recorded along with everything else. Fortunately, most Creature Features don't rely on the dialogue to move the story along. That's just as well, because this flick had no dialogue worth mentioning, mainly because there was not a lot of plot to explain.

Plot: Plot, what plot? We open up with a squad of soldiers in a national park area. What are they doing there? We are never really told. The dialogue consists of plans for the upcoming wedding of two of them. This is before our Feature Creature makes her debut in one of the most badly done mixing of CGI with film that I have ever seen. Instead of rising gradually out of the water, the Croc just appears in the background as if the background is a scrim and it is being ripped open to reveal --- Crocodile!!!! Back at the Command Post, there is a character who is some kind of expert on crocodiles (although most of the factoids she blurts out are full of inaccuracies and distortions) - the real croc expert seems to be the female private introduced in the first scene. The advisor's character also seems to have an ulterior motive regarding the eggs, but it was never really explained and somehow the President seems to be involved, but that was never explained either. Fortunately she gets her just rewards. The Creature's origins are never explained it just gets killed after chewing up a lot of people, scenery and equipment. The only person with any sense, it seems, is the lowly female private, introduced in the opening shots. Somehow, she knows a lot about crocodiles from growing up wherever she grew up. She manages to help kill the critter at the end and lives to tell about it.

Acting: mostly bad, but campy.

Directing: this thing had a director? Who knew?

CGI: pretty lame. None of it blended very well with the rest of the film. Quite a bit was blurry and the effects were not very realistic.

Editing: stock footage obtained from the military was obviously used, but to little effect because it really added nothing to the story. I normally do not comment on film editing, but this was so amateurish, I could not help but notice. This added to the overall comedic effect.

All in all, such an incredibly dreadful combination that it was hilarious to watch. Definitely a must for those Rotten Movie Connoisseurs out there!
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