The Jack LaLanne Show (1951–1985)
the best of the bunch
30 August 2007
Jack LaLanne will be receiving a "Lifetime Achievement Award" at a Muscle Beach ceremony at Venice Beach, California, on September 3rd, 2007...and rightfully so. Lalanne, at the age of 93, now remains as the last of the original bodybuilders, men who used weights to enhance their health and fitness rather than just to build big muscles. LaLanne also incorporates gymnastics and swimming into his routine, and pays close attention to diet and supplements. He's fond of saying: "I can't die, it would ruin my reputation!". Indeed, his reputation remains intact. In the 50s, there were many short exercise shows, marketed to the huge number of stay at home wives after WWII. LaLanne's was the best of the bunch. while other shows tried to attract viewers by making the workout much too easy, LaLanne presented a reasonable but effective challenge to the homemakers to actually get in shape. The extreme chest-to-waist taper of Lalanne, especially as shot in the shadows for the show's introduction, was as much of an inspiration to young sons as his coaching was to their moms. Steve Reeves, (Mr. America, Mr. Universe, and the first & best movie Hercules), has been quoted as saying that he was inspired by Lalanne to develop his graceful taper. The DVDs of this 56+ year old show are still popular.(June 9th,2010; Just a short correction to the other review: The term 'Aerobics' was coined by Dr Kenneth Cooper, while he was with the US Air Force.)
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