Pathfinder (2007)
Not great, but....
10 September 2007
...I don't understand why Pathfinder was received so poorly. Let's address some of the complaints:

Historical Inaccuracy - If you want historical accuracy, go watch a documentary. This movie wasn't made to inspire debate on history or for people to be offended by who their ancestors were and how they're depicted. This is a fictional story about one man versus a group of men who destroyed his family. I don't know if vikings were as obnoxious or evil as portrayed and frankly I don't care. No human is without his evil, so to become indignant about something like this is shallow and simple-minded. It's just a movie. Go with it.

Bad Acting - I don't see how bad acting can be when there is so little actual dialog in the movie. Perhaps that was the problem? If that is the case, then I would agree. The movie is made to be action-packed, yes, but I would have enjoyed some more in-depth dialog throughout. It seems as though a large portion of the movie's sound is just grunting and sword clashing. But did I believe the protagonist was upset his people were killed? Yep. Did the actors playing the vikings seem evil and unyielding? Yep. Were the battles fraught with real energy? Absolutely. Sounds like fair acting to me, at worst.

Rushed Scenes - This one, I agree with, to some degree. The story really could have used much more fleshing out. The movie seems to happen so quickly you may sometimes find yourself feeling "lost in the sauce", but not to a point that the movie becomes hard to enjoy. The plot was definitely moved along at a somewhat hustled pace, but it's not as if Pathfinder was to be some deeper-meaning movie that you'd need time to comprehend. It's about a guy that's peeved and wants revenge. How much depth could you possibly need? The scenes are lush and beautiful, the action is incredible, and movies are better fast-paced than sluggish from my point of view. If you cannot enjoy a movie, purely for its entertainment value, then I pity your jaded existence.

I didn't watch Pathfinder expecting to learn something new or walk away thinking differently. I expected to be entertained for an hour or two, and I was.
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