"The Magic Marble" would be a better title
21 October 2007
I saw this film in the Regal Cinema in Altrincham in about 1958 or 1959 during the kids' Saturday morning session. It was a mighty push and shove to get in, then some old Tom and Jerries - a bit ancient even then - maybe a bit of American Sci-fi of the shiny metal suit and death ray variety from the 1940's.- a few Bugs Bunnies and then a feature film - That was it - a good tanner's worth -(two and a half new pence). Kept us off the streets for and hour or two in those days before Saturday Morning Kids TV (or if, I remember correctly, Saturday Morning TV at all - at least in the UK.) Actually I only remember the bit at the end of this film with the out of control steam roller - I won't spoil it - but I'm still waiting for the sequel! But it must have been some movie as I think it's just about the only thing I remember from my Saturday morning kids' matinées.
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