Evil Eye (1975)
weird curiosity
26 October 2007
Peter Crane (Jorge Rivero, star of the later "Conquest") is a rich womanizing playboy who suffers from a string of vivid nightmares. Peter may or may not also be a murderer in this strange, off-beat, and wildly disjointed Grindhouse curiosity. While a tad hard to follow simply for the logic (or rather lack of), the movie is strangely compelling none the less and is probably best viewed as a product of a bygone era. It more than made up for the sheer tedium that I had experienced when I sat through the previous "Black Candles" skin-flick fiasco.

My Grade: B-

Region 1 DVD Extras: Trailers for "Pick Up", "Legend of Eight Samurai", "Don't Answer the Phone", "Prime Evil", & "Sister Street Fighter" (also the same DVD holds a second feature movie "Black Candles")
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