Bandidas (2006)
With gorgeous vistas, "Bandidas" is a fun to watch!
31 October 2007
"Bandidas" is set during the Mexican Revolution…

Cruz stars as María Alvarez, a gun-happy superstitious peasant who learns that her land has been sold to Tyler Jackson (Dwight Yoakam) by a corrupt Mexican banker Don Diego Sandoval (Ismael 'East' Carlo) until some higher authority intercedes…

María always knew what she wants and she always knew she feels, however when she dared to accuse Don Carlos as a corrupt and a thief, as a result of that her father is wounded in his ranch and his house is burned to the ground…

Sara Sandoval (Salma Hayek), who has been away at school in Europe for ten years, has left as a girl and came home as a woman…The only problem of Don Diego is now to convince her to stay… But Sandoval is poisoned following a real estate agreement with the avaricious Jackson…

So the two girls—joined by destiny—decide to be trained by Sam Shepard, to shoot well and to learn the rules of robbing banks… So they teamed up to get the people back on their land, and to come up with a plan, something that will benefit the people and destroy these murderers…

But after Quentin Cooke (Steve Zahn) an expert from New York City is kidnapped by the two she-monsters, the ruthless Jackson brought in more reinforcements, real killers hunting the two girls like animals… So every bank was seen more guarded now… Sara saw herself desperate, running out of ideas… Inside of herself she knew that she was raised to be a spoiled lady, not a renegade…

Penélope and Salma have great chemistry, and they are totally adorable together… The film has many memorable moments: the church catfight; the horse climbing a ladder; the two beauties in prostitute red cloth; Hayek getting off her chest her bloody corset which has been squeezing her gut her whole life; Salma teaching Penélope how to kiss a man right and how to capture that nuance
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