'Sometimes it is better to cut off a finger to save a hand'
10 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well firstly I have to say I'm a complete fan of this show and the pilot episode is a great addition to the first series DVD collection. I've been a fan since the early 70's when on a Friday evening I would sit in full lotus and absorb Caine's journey and the teachings of Master Sun and Master Po. The Toaist philosophy expounded by these fine actors sparked my own interest in pursuing the Tao, following the path of least resistance and eventually letting it all settle, knowing that the only way to know the Tao is to let go of self. Master Po has an ambition, something he is obviously not proud of (he is not a proud man, he is a Master). When he confides this ambition to Caine, he sets up a series of events that create the whole back story for the series. Caine goes to celebrate his Masters ambition, Master Po defends himself from the Royal Guards and is shot by the Royal Nephew. Caine goes on to defend his Master and kill the Royal Nephew. When Caine feels remorse, Master Po sayes, 'Sometimes it is better to cut off a finger to save a hand', this is a very unusual thing for Master Po to say. For the most part although sometimes obscure in his answers, Master Po always gives 'Grasshopper' good advice, in keeping with the Tao. Whilst Master Po is well versed in Traditional Chinease Medicine and the advice is good, the sub-text suggests that he 'set up' the whole thing, giving his student over to a life of an outcast. Whilst I can see that Master Po may indeed have wanted to remove the finger himself, the effect is the same. Perhaps Master Po realised that he would fail whilst 'Grasshopper', his favourite student would prevail?
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