Review of .45

.45 (2006)
Stop Gary Lennon
10 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
... before he directs, or especially, writes again. This is one of the most poorly crafted movies since "Manos: Hands of Stone."

If it were true to its characters and had anything to say, it could be a sleazy slice of life, not to everyone's taste, but still a respectable effort. But Lennon doesn't have the chops to do that, and his leads compound his troubles.

Hairy Angus Macfayden does such a poor New York accent that the script actually has to explain he was taken to Scotland as a boy. That pathetic explanation comes in one of many faux documentary interviews interspersed through the show because Lennon has no idea of how to develop character through plot.

Milla Jovovich's so-called career continues to go down the, uh, drain. The only thing she brings to this part are her gigantic nipples, again exposed from time to time to underscore her lack of anything else.

But even if Milla could act, it's hard to get over terrible writing. This is a movie where a battered woman's counselor also winds up advising the perpetrator. And the counselor's advice to the victim is to use her lips, hits and tits _ it clearly didn't occur to Lennon to use a brain anywhere. And the supposedly clever revenge plot simply involves a montage of scenes of the scrawny Jovovich in various states of undress followed by one twist-you-can-see- coming-a-mile-away. As bonus, it also indicts her character and a seemingly decent character as more mindlessly violent and cruel losers.

As secondary characters, Stephen Dorff and Aisha Tyler seem like they're visiting form a better movie, but they'd have to write that one themselves.

In short, if you come upon a copy of this movie, burn it.
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