Interesting Story
8 December 2007
Enjoyed this story concerning a family who lived in an orange growing community in California. The father was George Murphy, (Robert Fontaine Sr.) and his wife Nancy Davis, (Marge Fontaine) and they had a son Bud Fontaine,Jr. (Billy Gray) who was a bratty kid. Bud Fontaine had a little dog who followed him everywhere he went and one day this dog was found dead by poisoning and Bud immediately accused a stranger in the neighborhood of killing his pet. This man was Paul Mahler,(Kurt Kasgnar) who lived in an old dark looking house that all the children called a haunted house. Bud spreads rumors among the local town about Mr Paul Mahler killing his dog and he is advised by the police to prove what he is saying and to bring them the proof of his accusations. George Murphy moved on in life to become a United States Senator and Nancy Davis married Ronald Regan. Great little film.
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