Scarlett (1994)
No for the true GWTW fans.
13 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you really loved GWTW, you will find quite disappointing the story... And probably everything else. Those who may think this is just about a romantic story in the South, will be probably satisfied with this decent TV production (altought I consider an important miscast the choice for Scarlett). But, let me say that considering the novel, nothing good could came out of this.

I keep reading from other reviews that this version is not to be compared to the movie or we should think of it as a different, separate story or not paying any attention to the difference in the characters or/and actors playing the main roles. I wouldn't know. Maybe they are right, but as I said before, if you are a true GWTW fan, you certainly expect something with some coherence with the original one (or should I say, a little respect at least).

I've read GWTW more than 20 times and I can really appreciate the adaptation Mrs. Mitchell did for the film. It took me some time to understand how good the ending was: Scarlett knew for sure she was going to recover Rhett, since she always got what she wanted. But there was no kiss in the end.

Then Alexandra Ripley came to "fix" all this by showing us exactly how modern, perfect and mighty Scarlett could be. And, of course, describing in detail how exactly she gets Rhett back the way she wanted and even after having an important affair with someone else (I am not moralizing but the first two husbands were a different story. I bet nothing could have been further from Mrs. Mitchell mind).

The story between these points is, in my opinion, just a long and boring ride made up to tie ends, showing off costumes and scenarios just to give us an obvious and totally unnecessary ending.

If Margaret Mitchell could came to live again, she would die one more time at the very moment she'd find out what Scarlett became after GWTW.

Sure it's not fair to compare this to the original but this is not GWTW fault. Isn't it? Is it any good if I don't compare it to the original? Maybe. Sorry to say I don't really care.

I would expect little more compromise to continue someone else's (suberb) work, otherwise don't even try.
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