Review of I Am Omega

I Am Omega (2007 Video)
For an Asylum Film, not bad...
14 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
okay, I am only given this a four because I also watched "Undead or Alive", a truly repulsive "zombie comedy" starring the unfunny Chris Kataan. So this little Asylum stink bomb actually took on a new luster after watching that abomination.

If you've seen the Omega Man or Last Man on Earth, you'll understand the plot. The majority of the human race has been wiped out by a plague that turns people into flesh-eating zombies. A single survivor lives in a fortress home and fights off nightly attacks by Zombies. During the day, he is planting bombs with the intent of blowing up an entire city. (It is never clear why he wants to do this, other than killing off all the Zombies.)

He gets a call from a woman trapped in the city. Yes, humanity has fallen, but the internet still works. She is the only person immune to the plague, and maybe they can make a vaccine from her blood. He meets up with two survivalist types who help him rescue her, but they intend to kill the girl so that a world where survivalists aren't considered nuts will continue.

Well, anyway, after losing the survivalists, the Hero finds the girl, and they find a car in an underground parking garage where surprisingly, the lights are still on. Yes, humanity has fallen, but the lights are still on. After a running battle with zombies who spend way too much time doing the sneak past the camera maneuver, they meet up with the surviving survivalist, who shoots the hero in all his limbs and leaves him to die.

A final battle ensues where he rescues the girl from imminent rape, and the hero and the girl ride off into the sunset, watching the city blow up in a cheap special effects sequence.

Okay, it isn't good, but you have to admire works like this, where a lot of beginning filmmakers can show their stuff. It is a lot better than garbage like Undead or Alive, where people who should know better make bad movies.
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