16 December 2007
Lacking scares, suspense or interesting characters, this sequel abides by the CGI-horror schlock that proved a box-office draw for two weeks upon its release in 1999. How should an audience become properly hooked by the mood of a supposed horror film when the director both accelerates the pace and includes an abundance of CGI images during the requisite full-scale extreme wide shot of the stark sanitarium and its surroundings? The attempt to add a haunting quality to the proceedings with the statue mythologizing is laughable...especially the coda, with actors cast out of Romance novels. Amanda Righetti, with football wide shoulders, has impressive physical stature, but the film wasn't interested in emphasizing her heroic qualities. Twas much more concerned with photographing its women from advantageous perspectives...(nipples, and Cerina Vincent's globular breasts) Speaking of, the lesbian scene was by the far the most enjoyable aspect...one had thin but magically dark brown hair - and the other surprisingly generous well-sculpted... Their expressions were reminiscent of Jean Rollin's vampire chicks from his Euro-trash classics of the 70's. Besides that, a waste of time.
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