What were they thinking?!
1 January 2008
This is a truly amazing film. Considering the adult content of the film, it's amazing that it was made during the era where the Production Code was so rigidly enforced AND it's amazing that some major Hollywood talent associated themselves with such a sleazy and silly film. The movie is directed by the very well respected William Wellman--the same man responsible for such classics as ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT. In the starring role is Barbara Stanwyck--an A-list actress in a decidedly B-list film! So why is the film so sleazy? Well, the setting is a burlesque house and the original title for the story was THE G-STRING MURDERS! While people are killed in a variety of ways, one is found with a G-string wrapped around her throat. Additionally, the women in the film all look very cheap and act like tramps--with lots of cat fights and juicy dialog! In many ways, this film looks like a 1930s Pre-Code or Exploitation Film--not the product of a mainstream studio during the rather stuffy 1940s! How this actually got made and was allowed to be released is a mystery--as well as how they got very respected talent to appear in a poorly written and shabby production.

Had this movie not starred Stanwyck and been directed by Wellman, I really doubt if it would have been widely released, as the film looks very cheap and suffers from a rather dull script. In fact, I doubt that a poverty row studio like Monogram would have been proud of the product! The bottom line is that this is a salacious film and it's a great curiosity piece. However, once you get past seeing talented people doing their best to ruin their careers, there really isn't much this film has to offer as far as entertainment value goes. It isn't sleazy enough to appeal to adult film fans and it's just crude enough to make it a bit of a guilty pleasure--nothing more. A bizarre and sub-par film.
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