Tedious film botches a clever idea
1 January 2008
This should have been better, much better. A former reporter (Susan Sarandon) investigates the murder of a philandering dentist, and the suspect list includes the women he's had affairs with and their husbands, who turn out to be half the people in town. She delves into small town gossip and Peyton Place-type secrets, and this puts a strains her marriage by angering her husband (played horribly by Edward Hermann). The writers had no idea how to handle the story, in spite of its great promise, and the film makes your average soap opera look like exciting adventure by comparison. In spite of a respectable cast, most of the actors just go through the motions (an exception being Mary Beth Hurt, who is funny but only has a small role). The result is an ordeal in tiresome characters and boredom.
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