Review of Jesus Camp

Jesus Camp (2006)
The most frightening movie since "The Ring"
5 January 2008
This is easily the scariest and most frightening movie I've seen since "The Ring"! I could barely sit through the movie. I've known about the subject and what the "Jesus Camps" were like, but seeing it is a whole different story. It is just beyond me how these fundamentalists can brainwash 9-12 year old children with things like:

  • Bush is a messenger from God - Harry Potter is evil and would have been put to death (because he's a Warlock) in the old days - Science doesn't prove anything - Democracy is a great system, but allows too much freedom to believe other things/religions - and more...

What I really liked about the movie is, unlike Michael Moore documentaries, this movie has no narrative, no commentary, just whatever the people on camera were saying. There were no pointed questions and no questions aimed at embarrassing the main characters. It is as even handed as documentaries go (I've heard "No End In Sight" is another even handed documentary I still need to see). The only snippets where you can detect the directors' personal opinions is when the Christian radio host talks about how small groups of fundamentalists have hijacked his religion. But even those parts are logical and fair.

Without a doubt, I highly recommend people watching this movie, and forming your OWN opinion on the subject. It's one of those movies where I can see everyone, from atheists to fundamentalists appreciating (for very different reasons). Rent it, watch it, and make sure you turn the night lights on.
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