Review of Good Dick

Good Dick (2008)
Don't be fooled by the title, flick is surprisingly moving
20 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Took in this independent film from newcomer Marianna Palka at Sundance 2008. The audience was overwhelmingly appreciative of the film, though some were left perplexed due to the funny title which implied a comedy. I'll admit I assumed from the synopsis and title that this was going to be a comedy; a porn loving women is courted by a video store clerk, definitely sounds like the makings for some good sexual innuendo and lots of genitalia jokes. In fairness the Good Dick is very humorous in parts, though much of the time the humor comes from dysfunctional sexual material that would be uncomfortable if taken too seriously. The lead male played by Jason Ritter is a down on his luck and low on funds video store clerk who attaches himself to a shy and highly dysfunctional women played by Palka. Palka's character rents adult movies at his video store and wants nothing more then to be absolutely left alone. This obviously makes for an interesting courtship and interesting dates do occur, the video store clerk brings over his personal playlist of pornos and the women begrudgingly agrees to share her viewing time with him thus allowing the chance for something more. Palkas character shows signs of hope in letting our video store clerk into her life, but no sooner does she lower her defenses then she aims to hurt him in an attempt to keep her life less complicated and keep her personal problems hidden. Some awkward moments create some good laughs, but the laughter is just a slight distraction from the obvious pain that stirs deep within the women. Bits and pieces of ideas float throughout the movie hinting at the ending, but when the ending does eventually come it is still moving and should strike a chord with anyone who has ever cared so much about someone that they were willing to endure almost anything to connect with them or were on the other end and had to finally deal with something deep inside that they wished they could leave untouched and forgotten in the past. While the movie misses on a few scenes its still a very well done attempt at the strong subject matter.

It will take a certain kind of audience to truly appreciate this movie for what it is, that could be tough for a lot of people who are uncomfortable viewing subject matter dealing with sexual dysfunction and the boatload of issues that brings into relationships. Regardless of content though Marianna Palka should be applauded loudly for all her work that went into this film, it's hard to imagine that she wrote/directed and acted in her first feature film. Also, Jason Ritter is outstanding in this role and obviously deserves more of our time.
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