4 from Unseen Cinema
7 March 2008
Skyscrapers of New York from the East River (1903)

*** (out of 4)

A camera is placed on a boat and we get another view of the buildings in NYC. I'm not sure what time this film was shot but the streets are pretty empty.

Panorama from Tower of Brooklyn Bridge (1903)

*** (out of 4)

Biograph film from director Billy Blitzer who would eventually become famous for his work with D.W. Griffith. It's also worth noting that this was shot in 65mm.

Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre (1901)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Early gimmick film from Biograph uses exposures caught every four minutes to see the Star Theatre being built. At the end of the film the footage is shown backwards to bring the thing down.

Coney Island at Night (1905)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Edison film directed by Edwin S. Porter shows just what the title says. This film really isn't too interesting but it's worth noting that this was one of the first film that could show glowing lights thanks to a special camera built by Porter.
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