Two Laurel and Hardy
11 March 2008
With Love and Hisses (1927)

*** (out of 4)

The Sergeant (Oliver Hardy) and Captain (James Finlayson) aren't happy with some dumbbell recruits (including Stan Laurel) so they are sent out with the Sergeant so that he can get them into shape. Very funny silent short is actually a Hal Roach "All-Star" show since L&H weren't a group yet. There's plenty of laughs including the segment where the men go skinny dipping.

Unaccustomed As We Are (1929)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Hardy's wife leaves him when he brings Laurel home for dinner. L&H's first talkie was also later remade as Block-Heads. This short is pretty funny, although the future film is certainly a lot better.
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