Wonderful teen movie
25 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I write this after watching the movie on German TV. I first saw it somewhat around 1993/1994 and was impressed by it. I had just left my teenager period back then (being born 1974) and could still relate to many issues of it. The story is about a shy kid, new to a small town in the backwoods of Arizona, with no friends. Being a talented writer but too shy to speak openly, he used other ways of expressing himself, utilizing a short-wave emitter to pump his own radio show in the air. He talks about the inhuman politics of the local high school, whose dean was only obsessed with her grade record and not the kids. Many teenager problems get mentioned in this movie, which were important back then and will be as long there are teenagers. The problems of being not understood by the parents or other adults (teachers), the problem of dating, loneliness, homosexuality, free speech and suicide. The movie does not patronize or try to impose any opinion on any of these issues (maybe except suicide). The acting is superb, i count it to be one of the best Slater movies. And the supporting cast is excellent. The obligatory love story is played so sweet and shy that you have to love it. Slater and Mathis fooling around the next day after their first kiss (which is memorable in its own way) is so awkward and sweet like any fresh teen couple.

I only give no full 10/10 because of some bad editing and i find the clothes not always correct to date.
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