The Catherine Tate Show (2004–2009)
Unfunny, Overrated, Annoying, Toilet Comedy
27 March 2008
For anyone thinking of watching the Catherine Tate show who hasn't already my advice to you would to not watch it, go for a walk instead, in fact you could spend your time better doing pretty much anything, listening to half an hour of MIka's album would even be a better use of your time.

The point is, the Catherine Tate show is a complete and utter waste of time. It is, simply put, rubbish. The show is made up of all sort of really unfunny characters who say the same stupid things over and over and over again. Until you just want to get a shot gun and either shoot the t.v ,yourself, or better yet shoot miss Tate.

It's amazing to think that the show was ever commisoned in the first place, as a couple of five year olds stuck in a room with a box of crayons could write a more sophisticated and amusing piece of television.

I pity people who actually like this garbage, let alone waste hours of their lives soaking it up. Who ever thinks that Catherine Tate is funny needs a head butt. If I ever laughed at one of her "jokes" I would seriously re-evaluate my life, in fact I would probably cease to see the point in living anymore and crawl away into a dark corner and kill myself.

To sum up, the Catherine Tate show is quite possibly the worst comedy I have ever had the miss fortune of flicking past. I've seen documentaries about people dying that were funnier than this complete and utter shambles. Rubbish.
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