Nim's Island (2008)
it worked, for all the reasons it maybe shouldn't have ( for me)
4 April 2008
this is one of those films, that manages to walk a thin line between parody( but not with a mean streak) and true family entertainment.

my next thought might well spoil things for some, so please take caution, though I won't give away any specifics. I liked it, but for all the reasons I would normally not like a film so much... in places it does have emotional grappling hooks- yet it is a cacophony of formula, cliché, new twist on an old theme,

Evertything about it has been done, it's like all the best elements from other stories that worked have been haphazardly combined into one family movie that stops just short of parody but yet you know it kind of is . sort of a Dr. Doolittle, meets, romancing the Stone, meets, the swiss family Robinson... too many to mention. and then throw in a few scenes that can make any one who has ever been a tourist or part of pop culture that has been lured by the idea of " your own paradise" uncomfortable. ( and yes, it never turns out well for those who live there.) for all the reasons it shouldn't have worked for me, it did work, on some unexpected level. I liked it.
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