A romantic comedy this is not
15 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Original title is "Chilly Scenes of Winter" and it's an appropriate one. Described by some (fancifully) as a romantic comedy, it is actually the uncomfortable story of a creep ( the excellent John Heard) who becomes obsessed with a married woman (Mary Beth Hurt). Hurt's reluctance to commit to Heard causes him to become unstable and angry. The film is a very real study of delusion, obsession, low self esteem, and the selfishness of love. In one unexpected scene, Heard and Hurt are having a heated discussion. He has upset her and she doesn't want him to be there. As she exits frame, he mumbles: "I want to rape you." After this, I decided that this is definitely not a romantic comedy. Did anybody who described it as such actually hear this line of dialog? The Heard character has mountains of anger and is close to sociopathic. Watching him embarrass himself and act inappropriately in his pursuit of Hurt's commitment makes for an uncomfortable viewing experience similar to Martin Scorses's "The King of Comedy". In the version I caught, Heard does not end up with Hurt. Lucky for her, I say. She dodged a bullet.
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