Billy Bob's Jerk persona is back...
3 May 2008
and great as ever. Billy Bob plays Dr. P, a teacher for losers with low self esteem. Roger is a new student, played by the funny Jon Herder. He wants to stop being pushed around and to get a girl, Amanda. We get several funny scenes of Dr. P asking his students to be more confrontational. At the paint ball game, Roger proves to be learning quickly, which causes Dr. P to want to one up him. So, Dr. P makes a play for Amanda. He says he is a doctor and sweet talks her all the while infuriating Roger. He even convinces Amanda that Roger needs mental help. But in the end Roger uses the help of friends to get back at Dr. P. He almost gets tricked again but remembers one of Dr. P's number one rules. Lie, Lie, Lie. Ben Stiller makes a cameo as one of Dr. P's former students who was traumatized by him. He wants revenge.

FINAL VERDICT: Quite a few funny scenes. Worth watching.
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