It's Alive! It's ... Plantenstein!
15 May 2008
Watching an actual plant grow from a seed into a colorful flower would be far more exciting than struggling through this horribly inane and ultimately boring movie about an overworked rocket scientist transforming into a deranged and mad-raving horticulturist during his vacation in Tokyo. Okay, say what now? I kid you not, "The Revenge of Dr. X" – most inaccurate title ever, by the way – revolves on a NASA professor who's forced to take some time off whilst his latest missile project floats around in outer space. Dr. Bragain reluctantly accepts a holiday in Japan, but not before picking up a near-dead Venus Flytrap he intends curing. Along with his personal assistant (a woman who never should have even considered starting an acting career) he looks after the sickly plant, but it quickly becomes a new obsession. Dr. Bragain turns into a loony amateur Frankenstein when he wants to offer his plant a human mind and uses thunder and lightening to achieve this. The only remotely fun and oddly curious moments in this movie are the opening credits … since they belong to another film! See the trivia-section for more details but, unfortunately, Eddie Romero wasn't involved in this production. It was no one less than Ed Wood who penned down this crazed Fauna & Flora adventure, and that actually makes sense because who else could have come up with such nonsense? The "monster" resembles an exploded banana-tree, the dialogs and particularly James Craig's one-liners are horrendous and 99% of the sequences are just plain boring. One to avoid at all costs.
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