Shatner vs. Tarantulas!
19 May 2008
Recently, Hollywood has seen fit to remake "Prom Night," "The Hills Have Eyes," "The Hitcher," "The Hills Have Eyes 2," "Black Christmas," "Halloween" "The Amityville Horror," "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre," and more than a handful of other older horror movies I can't even remember right now.

This movie is better than every single one of those remakes. Plus it's got Shatner in it. Why pay eight bucks for a movie ticket when you can rent this for free?

Hey, in 1977, this was probably considered a good movie... unlike the remakes in the first paragraph, which weren't even considered good movies when they were only available in trailer-form.

PROTIP: Tarantulas don't spin webs. If you've seen all the original 1970's horror flicks that didn't need to be remade in the first place, then track this one down. It's not any dumber than "Jaws 2."
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