A great romantic comedy which is underrated
2 June 2008
The genre of romantic comedies may not be a genre producing depthful insights, dramatic acting or meaningful morals....but it centers about the two most warm and nice emotions, humour and love. There can't be nothing wrong with this. Now many movies of this genre are just what you expect, they are cheesy, diabetes-inducing sweet, shallow movies. Sometimes the Humour outweighs the love so much it becomes intolerable, sometimes the love aspect is so heavy you are forced to vomit. Then many movies make the mistake of mixing love with lust or even replacing them. That does not go for romantic in my opinion. So the moviegoer is left with only a few notable movies, which make your heart glow: There are PRETTY WOMAN, NOTTING HILL, WHEN HARRY MET SALLY, SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE, YOU GOT MAIL, THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY and of course WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING.

Unlike some others in my listing, this movie sets his characters in a real normal life. They are all average people, who could live next your door. That's one point in making this movie memorable. Because if such a sweet love can happen to those guys, it can happen to you as well.

The story may seem to be a bit far fetched (girl saves guy, gets mistaken for his fiancé, family invites her over for Christmas, she falls in love with the brother and so on) but it is not as far fetched as a millionaire falling for a prostitute, a journalist falling for just a boys story and drives through the US to Seattle or a movie star just walking in a normal bookstore...

The humour is great, soft and loving instead of cynical. The only cynical remark (if you fit in my pants, I'll kill myself) is like you are kidding around with your friends. The love is also sweet. It never becomes sexual or lust-laden. Just pure love. Unlike all the aforementioned movies, here another love is playing a role, the love for and of a family. Anyone who, like Bullock's character, has lived without any family for some time knows what I speak of.

The acting is good. Not great, as I said i don't expect that in a romantic comedy, but better than in most other movies of that genre (and many other genres as well).

The last great point for this movie are the characters. The movie makes no point in creating a despicable, mean character. The family Callaghan are so nice and warm, even Peter (who the viewer gets to know only a lot later in the movie) seems to be able to leave his playboy life and settle with Sandra Bullock. Also heartwarming is the role of Joey Fusco. He seems to really love Sandra Bullock in his own way. He tries to protect her and be a real friend, though he is obviously not her type. Even the "real" fiancé of Peter Callaghan, Ashley, does not come evil just shallow and possessive. Her appearance lasts only a few minutes, too.

All in all, if you're looking for a great movie to make you feel good, get this one.
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