Player 5150 (2008)
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11 June 2008
First off, I never take the time to actually write a review of any of the movies I have seen, but I felt the need to do so to prevent others from having to waste their time with this film. I must admit that the fact that this went straight to DVD and starred Bob Sapp should have clued me in to the fact that this movie was less than stellar, but I went against my better judgment and watched it anyway. I am actually a bit embarrassed to admit that I was actually looking forward to seeing this since I tend to like movies that deal with plot lines centered on investing/stock trading (of which there was very little in this movie) and gambling (the main focus).

The acting in this movie was terrible and it was painfully obvious that this was a pretty low budget film. There were a few somewhat notable actors in this film though which causes me to wonder what they were thinking since there is no way this job landed them a big, fat paycheck. Granted, Ethan Embry isn't exactly the first name off of a casting director's lips when discussing a potential lead for a huge blockbuster, but his talent surely merits him better work opportunities than this.

If you choose to watch this movie despite the numerous red flags it has (straight to DVD, low budget, K-1 fighters attempting to act, etc.), seek solace in the fact that you will not waste too much of your time. The one redeeming quality that this movie had was the fact that it clocked in at just under an hour and a half. So, after you shake your head in disbelief at the ridiculous ending, you can at least look at the clock and thank the editors of this film for the fact that they could have wasted even more of your time.

Proceed with caution.
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