I disagree...This was a fantastic film!
12 June 2008
The point of this film was not to present a scientific cross-section of the hillbilly or Ozark music genre, so it is not a question of being narrow-minded. The film instead attempted to focus upon one extended family group known to people around the world as ambassadors for Ozark hillbilly music. It then begins to trace the branches of the family tree back through generations to the very roots. It portrays how the past, in turn, serves as inspiration to the newer generations. The resulting present-day torch carriers are enlightened, intelligent, well-educated, and unswervingly faithful to their roots.

The purposeful effect of this indie film was to give the viewer a feel for the depth and breadth of the past- and present-day life in a group that's highly representative of the Ozark music mindset. It strategically places anecdotal storytelling, old family photos, and fly-on-the-wall perspective at family gatherings and music jams. The film acquaints the viewer with the stories of branches in a family tree that have either diverged or converged, the latter effectively polishing the face of the past and finding ways to making it new again. And as a result, the viewer finds himself immersed in a situation that has the feel of being invited in to the hearth of an Ozark home, and made to feel like one of the family. It's warm, inviting, and refreshing--all the way down to your roots.
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