Bhootnath (1963)
Funny adventures of a Diissatisfied Spirit and a Notorious kid !!!
5 July 2008
BHOOTNATH is a comedy genre movie which has a tragedy as its base. It shows the unfortunate condition of our modern society where children don't want to take the responsibility of their parents in old age similar to Kailash Nath whose son Vijay after studying in America settled there with his wife and avoided his parents. The limit of selfishness crossed when his mother passed away and he came back to India to earn profit by selling his home NATH VILLA. His father didn't allowed so as the memory of his wife Nirmala is attached to this home. This irritates his son and he decided to left him alone there.

Here happens the TRAGEDIC EVENT ,when Kilash run behind Vijay to stop him ,he slipped from stairs and died but his son didn't listened to his last words. Till then his dissatisfied spirit roaming in the home decided that he will never let anyone reside there.

THE TURNING POINT came when there comes a family of BANKU his kitchen-shy mom and slap-happy dad to live in the house. The ghost has the plan of scaring the family away. But he runs into the notorious 7 year old Banku who mistakes the ghost as an angel (named him Bhoothnath) and befriends him. Thereby begin the funny antics of Banku and Bhoothnath. With a mere flick of his finger, Bhoothnath is able to do magical feats, and more so willingly at Banku's command.

The film focuses on the FUNNY ADVENTURES OF THE KID AND THE GHOST until Bhoothnath's past catches up with him.

BHOOTNATH focuses on the POWER OF LOVE & FORGIVENESS which Kailah regains with the friendship of Banku. Kailah forgave his son but got bounded with the love of Banku ,so he didn't get MOKSHA(or SALVATION) & he returned back to him secretly and the movie is "TO BE CONTINUED" waiting for his next part including me and other fans of Big B.

I gave movie 10/10 because it has everything -a lot of fun ,moral ,magic ,fiction as well as excellent acting by all the characters .It should be seen by all the age-groups.

WOW you should surely buy a DVD of this great movie !!!
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