It might be called Sophomoric - if it were LESS derivative & puerile
17 July 2008
FIRST, these commentaries on IMDb are of course subject to padding by interested parties, people whose egos are invested in a piece of dreck like "The Pleasure Drivers." There's no other explanation for the mildly favorable comments to be read here regarding this ... thing.

SECOND, it would be too easy to blame the writer--though to be sure he must be an abysmal sycophant and scrotum-lapper to Taratino and others, not to mention an abject adolescent (despite the pock-marked age visible in his photo). The question one must confront is: HOW DID OTHERS--DIRECTORS, ACTORS, ET AL.--SWALLOW THIS SCREENPLAY? I read better scripts back in Junior High School.

THIRD, the answer to #2 is that the people with access to the money, incapable of paying protracted attention to anything at all, thought they saw a vague resemblance between this script and the work of Tarantino and a gaggle of other fleeting fads, and gave it a go.

FOURTH, despite what I said in #2, the writer must be the focus of blame here. Self-conscious "quirkiness," dialogue that could only be mistaken as clever by LA bimbos & gym bunnies.
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