Fatal Contact (2006)
See it for the action since the story isn't that good
30 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Young acrobat in a Chinese Opera style show is wanted by the mob to fight in underground boxing matches. He refuses, but later decides to try it when he and his girl realize there's money to be made. Moving in with one of the gangsters named the Captain he starts to fight and win. As his handlers realize that there is money to be made he begins to fight more and more punishing matches and things begin to go in ways he never expected.

Good but not great action film plays at times more like a romance and buddy comedy. To be certain there are some very good fight scenes, but more of the film seems to be about the characters. This is both good and bad. Good because we get to meet the Captain, a low level gangster who is actually a kung fu master himself. He's trying to get enough money to open a dim sum place for his mom. His scenes, which at first seem forced turn out to be some of the more charming of the whole film. The problem here is he's much more interesting then the two leads who have some charm but ultimately blend in with everyone else. In more then one fight scene I wasn't sure which guy I was rooting for. Then in the final half hour things go in a different direction. While it did get me to sit up and take notice, I wasn't sure if this was a new twist or something that had been foreshadowed since it was only at this one point I realized I hadn't really been paying attention. I have no idea how you'll react to the turn of events but they a tad downbeat.

Is the film worth seeing? yes no maybe. The fights are good, the drama fair. The trouble is that its really far from gripping. You don't really care for the characters, other than Captain, and I found myself watching more to see the fights then anything else. I think the only way to explain this is as an odd drama with fights.

5 Out of 10. The choice to see it is yours.
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