Okami (2006 Video Game)
26 August 2008
Claiming that Okami is a masterpiece is a no-brainer. That doesn't mean that this game is perfect. There are some flaws that can't be easily ignored.(I will talk about some of these flaws later).Despite these flaws this game managed to captivate me and has enchanted me completely. Even now when I already have finished this game for a quite a time now I keep thinking about it. "Okami" is pure magic. When I heard this game being reviewed on a show I simply could not imagine what made this game so special. Yes,it looked beautiful,but I wasn't so keen on using the brush (drawing for me is a childhood trauma). Until I had the opportunity to experience it for myself. (You really feel like a god once you have mastered several celestial brush techniques.) It only took me playing some minutes for I realized that I was hooked. The cell shaded visuals provide a look for the game that hasn't been done too often and can be considered original. Combine this aspect with the fantastic game play and a wonderful and moving story then you simply know that you can't go wrong. But the game doesn't stop there. "Okami" has one amazing soundtrack that just completes this game. In fact it is so essential that without it the magic wouldn't be the same. Now i have read many reviews on this game saying that this game is easy. And for an experienced gamer it will be. But believe me when I tell you that there are times that this game can be challenging. As a lot of other action RPG's "Okami" has some mini-games that are optional and ones that are compulsory. Personally I think that mini-games can be fun as long as they are optional. The minute you have to play a game in order to advance is something I can't appreciate. Example is one digging game that you simply have to do otherwise you can't continue. The fact that there is no other way to achieve your goal is a flaw in my book. This particular digging game demands that you have mastered the brush techniques previous learned in the game. While the game is very forgiving usually when using the brush, in this digging game it isn't. (Once you think you figured how to do a certain technique it still can fail to work. I believe this is a glitch of some sort and since it is random it can't be prevented. But with a lot of practice and patience it is possible to complete it.) The lack of control over camera in some sequences is another flaw that I have to mention especially when it comes to the ones that are timed and the ones that concern platforming. These flaws however can be considered very minor since the overall experience is truly grand and majestic. "Okami" is without a doubt one of the best and most beautiful video games ever made. A masterpiece!!!
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