Neville Schute and Henry Koster mix abilities and WOW!!!
28 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw "No Highway in the Sky" (1951). The cast is James Stewart (Theodore Honey, an extremely eccentric, absent-minded scientist), Marlene Dietrich (Monica Teasdale, a popular actress), Glynis Johns, (Marjorie Corder, stewardess who befriends the Honey family) & Jack Hawkins (Dennis Scott, Honey's boss).

Honey has a theory that a "Reindeer" Airplane crash was caused when the tail cracked & dropped off. The whole thing hit the Labrador Mountains. His company builds the "Reindeer". His boss, Mr. Scott, tends to want Honey's theory proved positive or otherwise. Along the way he is befriended by some (Miss Teasdale, Miss Corder & his 12 year old daughter, Elspeth) & not so much by others who are scientists & airline board members.

He causes a major problem on a Reindeer when he tries to keep it on the ground to save lives. It is amazing what pulling the wheels up, on a stationary airliner, will do to it...a belly landing. Well, everyone mixes it up in their emotions & finally a conclusion is come to for the sake of all involved. What?

It's a good movie with a low-key theme and a wonderful cast. ******* out of 10.

Did you know: In about 40 years we'll have millions of old ladies running around with tattoos.
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