Pretty Good Actually, Take your brain out and Enjoy
4 September 2008
I accidentally caught the first episode of this and was pleasantly surprised. Now I have read the official tagline "Comedy sketch show set in a surreal parallel universe where film and TV special effects are part of everyday life" it makes more sense! Without knowing this you just think some of the things in there are just a bit too random! The effects are really well done. I enjoyed this because it was something fresh, new and different to cut through the constant stream of reality TV (lazy producers) cr@p. I also love most sci-fi progs (don't be scared I'm not a trekkie!).

Most of the situations covered (losing car keys, getting drunk, bringing new boyfriend home, being stuck with an annoying person) are all things we have encounter so are familiar and relevant to the viewer. They just add a little humor, sprinkle a large helping of special effects and give it a good old 'twist', and there you go.

Personally I found most of the sketches funny and well done (drunk bloke in Hotel, you got to watch it!). I find most of the bad reviews unfair - yes there are a FEW sketches that don't cut it or are more a showcase of effects, but let's be honest, name a sketch show where 100% of them are funny.

Take it with a pinch of salt, take your brain out and see it for what it is - it felt really refreshing watching something different for a change. If you have any interest in sci-fi, every day life, computer games, London, something a bit wacky, special effects you may enjoy.

I can see this getting the same cult status as say Fonejacker did (although nothing similar in the format!). I will be watching every episode - it is of course possible I could change my view by the end of the series, but going on the first episode I would say it is VERY GOOD.

All of those slamming the 'most annoying creature on the Planet', well erm... didn't it do the job it was created for *sighs* It's meant to annoy the hell out of you :)! I would say about 80% of sketches were either funny or enjoyable to watch because of their technical achievements - I would suggest the 1 star reviewers stick to watching Gardens World or something equally mind numbing. Condemning a whole TV Show on 1 episode is a shade unfair. On the other hand I stand here ready and willing to receive some egg on my face if the series declines or becomes too repetitive Going by first ep The best BBC comedy for ages! Worth a wstch definitely.

I HAVE NO CONNECTION WITH the BBC, in fact I resent paying my TV license that solely goes to the cooperation that makes hardly any good stuff anymore. Go on watch it, watch it now on iPlayer, you know you want to... Now wheres me car keys??
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