UFO: The Cat with Ten Lives (1970)
Season 1, Episode 3
9 September 2008
UFO is very much an enigmatic series and The Cat With Ten Lives is one of the strangest episodes from the show , one which will have the audience scratching their heads wondering what to make of it and having recently seen it I still have no idea what to say about it . Weird only partially describes it

The major problem with the episode is that you're left with the distinct impression the producers haven't thought through the central premise of the show . In identified we're told that the aliens are stealing human organs in order to survive but this episode contradicts this and we're told that the aliens may in fact have no bodies of their own and the " aliens " in the red suits that we saw in the debut episode are merely vehicles for metaphysical beings without a form . Some later episodes like ESP give credence to this theory but most episodes don't which indicates Gerry Anderson is making very disposable television for a totally unthinking audience

There is a certain fascination to watching the plot unravel but once again there's a lot wrong with it . Would a secret organisation fighting alien invaders really use a film studio as a front ? Even if they did would they base it in England ? On top of that you become aware that there's only three interceptors ( Each interceptor being armed with merely one rocket each ! ) guarding the moonbase so why don't the aliens send umpteen saucers to attack the moon at the same time ? The climax of the episode is very contrived and silly but the amount of cruelty involved stopped me laughing out loud . As I said this is a very weird piece of television
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