Review of Rockers

Rockers (1978)
2 words- "REMOVE YA"
16 September 2008
After being totally burnt out on election coverage overkill, depressed by the economic woes and debating changing careers, my wife suggested we put on a movie and escape for a while.

She surprised me by pulling out "ROCKERS" one of my favorite movies of all time, it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't watched it once this year (i usually watch bi-annually)

Wow! its amazing that this movie holds up on every level, after the first 5 minutes I completely forgot all my problems and was absorbed into the conflict of Horsemouth, The acapella of Burning Spear and of course The RASTA takeover by Dirty HArry. REMOVE YA!!!

As a filmmaker I can only aspire to do a movie with such impact wit and simplicity. The music the story, the locations and who can beat the wardrobe. To the cast and crew I fully salute and thank you for making a truly classic picture!!
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