Attack of the 5 Ft. 2 Women (1994 TV Movie)
Seriously now...
17 September 2008
This movie is "Epic Movie", "Date Movie" and "Meet the Spartans" type of bad. It's just as lame with its humor, which means it's just totally not funny at all and instead is more annoying, in basically every way thinkable. Honestly this was one of the worst movies I've seen in my life and that says a lot.

I could barely watch this movie, since it was so embarrassingly badly made. I've nothing against a stupid comedy but that doesn't mean it can just get away with bad writing, bad directing, bad acting and bad basically everything else. the National Lampoon's movies never have been known for its comical subtlety or overall brilliance but this movie is bad even for their normal standards.

The movie is presented as a double feature, in which two different stories are told. Both feature the same actress as the main lead but are basically not connected in any way. The only thing that connects them, expect for the same main lead actress, is how incredibly bad they are. It's almost as if there was no script ready at the time of the shooting and the stories just never get off the ground, since they are just far from something interesting. They progress in a very childish way, as if it was made only for people with an incredibly low IQ score. How can you watch and honestly like a movie like this? The movie tries to be funny in basically every scene, which is overkill. And on top of that, the movie obviously isn't that funny. It's comedy is oh so predictable and again incredibly lame and childish. If you let a 6 year come up with a comedy, he or she would probably come up with a movie like this.

Seriously, I don't want to spend any more time now saying how bad, horrible and just almost completely unwatchable this movie is. I seriously can not understand how anyone could ever like and laugh out loud at this movie.

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