A shatteringly superb film
19 September 2008
It was hard for me to understand my own emotions after watching The Killing Fields. It was more like watching a documentary with actual events and people than a feature film. I was not able to say or even think anything straight, such was the impact that the film made. Hiang N'gor as Dith Pran lives rather than acts the role; I have never seen any on-screen or on-stage performance to match where the actor put his/her heart and soul into the role that he/she was playing. Before watching the film for the first time over 20 years ago, I had only a disjointed view of the horrors perpetuated by Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. But since then, I have visited the country, spoken to the people and can form a far better picture of what happened to it during those terrible years. The film depicts the atmosphere with stunning clarity, complemented by superbly imaginative camera-work and sound effects. Anyone with a but of conscience is going to remember this film for life.
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