The absolute weirdest thing I've ever seen.
22 September 2008
The 8/10 rating I gave this is fairly arbitrary, as I have no points of reference or comparison. This is, quite honestly, the most bizarre movie I have ever seen.

At different points, you think of it as sci-fi/apocalyptic narrative, parody/satire, drama, action, comedy...my brain is still sorting it out. I've seen a lot of weird movies, good movies, bad movies...this is nothing like any of them.

The weirdness goes way beyond the whole "independent film creativity" thing. You really just have to see it to understand what I'm getting at.

As far as other points...the actors all did well, and it's a veritable who's who of B-list actors (just check the cast list on this site). Justin Timberlake is shaping up to be decent, though I prefer his craziness hosting SNL, the ESPYs, etc. Regardless of what you think of any member of the cast, throw it out the window. Their characters, though well acted, are as insane and bizarre as the rest of this movie.

The only true downside is that the editing, directing, and such made it difficult to discern at times when we were shifting temporally. You couldn't tell if something was a flashback until a few scenes later, if at all. Not like Tarantino's patchworks, this was just plain confusing. I wonder if they did it just to make you watch it again...either way, I will, and not just to sort out the time sequence.
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