The Force Was Not With Them
28 September 2008
Robot Wars is the first Italian science fiction film I've ever seen. It makes their spaghetti westerns look like the best of John Ford. It's an obviously feeble attempt to cash in on the world wide popularity of Star Wars.

A couple scientists are kidnapped off a futuristic space station by a race of alien cyborgs to help preserve these artificial creatures existence. Now maybe if they'd asked instead of taken in the true spirit of the United Federation of Planets, help might have been granted. But the aliens get grabby.

The second problem is one of the scientists was doing some experiments involving the nuclear reactor and no one can shut the darn thing down. If the earthlings don't get their guy back, the whole station's going to blow up.

The special effects are laughable, the aliens are laughable, the dubbing leaves a lot to be desired and the cast looks like they're going through the motions. I can't tell who acted worse the humans or the cyborgs.

Robot Wars has a lot of unintentional laughs in it though. The Force was not with the producers of this film.
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