This Time Nobody Dropped a Bomb!
29 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw "Where Have All the People Gone?" (1974) (TV) for the first time in many years. I think Jim Arness's little brother, Peter Graves, is a very good actor but this movie is less than perfect.

Steven Anders (Graves) & his family are camping. Mom Barbara (Jay MacIntosh) has returned home so we don't get to know her well until the end. Their children, David (George O'Hanlon) & Deborah (Kathleen Quinlan), are having a great time, although Deb is interested in trying a spa vacation next year.

While they are in one of their caves the Anders "enjoy" an earthquake. Needless to say they evacuate immediately. Their guide, Jim (Noble Willingham), tells them that just before the quake the sun suddenly exploded like a flare. Shortly after Jim sickens. The next day he is dead. Now the walk begins. They head back to the little town their camping adventure started out in but everyone has followed Jim's example. So Steve & the kids set up to leave for home in Los Angeles in hopes of finding Mom safe & sound. They are wondering why they are still alive.

Their next stop brings Jenny (Verna Bloom) into their lives. Found hidden in a VW Van, she has obviously suffered trauma from the possible loss of her family but she can't tell them, she can't talk. When David asks what they'll do with her, Deborah suggests cleaning her up, feeding her & taking her along.

Then they're stopped at gun point. The Bronco & their food is stolen. The thief is trying to get to his home in Arizona. He hopes his family is O.K. David wants to get him but Steve knows how he feels.

Next stop brings them to a ranch, 2 dead bodies, a wagon & a team of horses...&, of course, someone in the barn with a loaded rifle. This is where young Michael (Michael-James Wixted) comes into the picture. Steve is trying to move Jenny & Deborah out of the line of fire. David decides to get the rifle & succeeds in wrestling it away from the 10 year old. His parents are the dead ones because of the theft of their vehicles by evil doers. In a situation like this people can be at their worst. Needless to say Michael isn't feeling very trusting but Steve puts him at ease. Because of Michael we'll soon learn Jenny's story because she feels he is her son Billy & is very protective of him.

The cast is good. They carry their parts well. Peter, Kathleen & George are particularly good.

From the theft of the Bronco forward this movie picks up on excitement & strong emotions. I would recommend it if you don't expect too much at first. It has a slow start to say the least BUT it doesn't stay that way.
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