Could Not Be Better Than This! Simply Delightful! Must Watch For All Ages!
9 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The amount of time that I can get on my hands to read books is very less and hence it was always my last choice to read a Harry Potter book considering that it is meant for the children. No amount of hype about the Harry Potter book could ever drive me to read the book. I always would resort to alternate reading. And then one fine day, I saw this computer game of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I enjoyed playing it and it was through the game I came to know the story of Harry Potter. I felt that it was so brilliantly done. I began to wonder whether it was the creativity of the game designers that created this world or was it the sheer genius of the author to make us imagine such a world. I decided to find out and finally read the book. And it was then I realized that Rowling had indeed created a whole new world for us and so fresh it was.

Finally came the movie for me. I decided that I wanted to see the movie. And I was delighted watching this movie. The whole new world this movie exposes to is so filled with delight and cheer. The child cast is amazing. Each one convinces us that he or she fits the shoes of the character they are playing. At no point of time, one gets the feeling that "Oh, this is not how Rowling described it!" The movie and all the characters have been created with wonderful precision staying as faithful as possible to original descriptions penned down in the book.

The computer animations and special effects are simply amazing. It is hard to imagine that so much of CGI is involved in the movie. It is so wonderfully done that one might wonder if such a world does exist and all the movie makers had to do was to use the camera to capture it. The movie makers have spared no effort in creating the world of Harry Potter. Every single scene is so well thought out. This movie deserves all the praise it has got.

The book and the movie is no doubt targeted at the children but I am sure that even the adults are going to love this movie. Somewhere deep inside all of us there is a child who wants magic with whose aid we may forget the perils of the world in which we live and escape into a dream of fantasies. This movie provides us just that. The world in this movie is so alive, so cheerful and so delightful. This is one of most amazing and fresh movies in years. A must watch for all movie goers independent of whether you have read the book or not.

Truly amazing!
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