High School Confidential On Subject Matter ***
19 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Since Russ Tamblyn is really an undercover police officer sent to a high school to break up the drug trade, who is Mamie Van Doren, the woman who plays the boozy aunt that he lives with?

The film is most interesting since it deals with familiar themes- rampant use of drugs in our schools and parents,who either deny that the problem exists, or continuously say, "Not my child!"

Tamblyn is terrific as the masquerading delinquent. His utter disrespect for authority is fantastically depicted here.

Jan Sterling, a terrific actress, is terribly miscast here as the teacher who tries to help Tamblyn. With her facial looks, she looks like she wants to be part of the action in a desire to be loved.

Jackie Coogan, Mr. A., is in fine form here as the head drug dealer.
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