Lacklustre adaptation of Sweeny Todd
31 October 2008
The story of Sweeny Todd was made famous by Tim Burton in 2007 with his hit film starring Johnny Depp, but before that it was a musical stage play; and there was also this film. Apparently this film was made by a British studio because of some quota law that meant every studio had to make a number of British films; and that's completely obvious, as while the film does feature a fairly engaging performance from the entertainingly named Tod Slaughter; everything else about it feels weak and rushed and this film version does not give justification to the subject material. The plot focuses on the notorious barber Sweeny Todd. He discovers that he can make more money by murdering his customers and stealing their belongings; but the plan goes even deeper when he, along with his next door neighbour; pie maker Mrs Lovatt, realise that the plan can serve a common purpose; as the bodies of the people he kills can be put to good use as meat for her pies. However, things go awry when Todd decides he wants to marry a wealthy man's daughter.

I was really looking forward to this film as I do like this story; but Tim Burton's version was ruined for me with the inclusion of a boatload of very annoying songs. I wanted a straight horror version of the story; but while this film fits that bill on paper, it doesn't fit on screen. Tod Slaughter had played the role on stage before and he is the best thing about the film; although he is not matched by the rest of it. The short running time ensures that there just isn't enough time for everything to be included and as such a lot of the film is left by the wayside and it feels like it wants to be over as quickly as possible. There's not much real horror either and director George King doesn't bother giving the film any sort of atmosphere - surprising when it all takes place in some of the most dingy areas in London. To be honest, I found the whole thing rather boring and unfortunately I'm now still looking for a successful adaptation of this story! This version may appeal to big Sweeny Todd fans; although I doubt it and I would recommend giving it a miss.
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