Two Worlds (2007)
Interesting premise, but lacks real punch
3 November 2008
Les Deux Mondes or Two Worlds is initially intriguing, beguiling and like Time Bandits has a nice take on time travel, anthropology, and finding your life again.

Sounds great.

And in places it is. However, and for us it's a big however, it all loses its way half way through and becomes even somewhat clichéd.

Never boring, it is a fairly interesting watch, but it fails to carry its own premise to really interesting places- it just simply runs of out steam and ends up looking like a computer game of Civ in places...

An interesting attempt sure, with some brilliance at the beginning, but by the time the tribes have resolved their differences in the other world we're only a third of the way through the film and there's just not enough arc left to carry this to a great destination.

Watchable, but lacks the real punch that would have lifted this beyond its great start...
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