Kwaidan (1964)
A nice set of ghost stories for all ages.
12 November 2008
Kwaidan-the set of four complete ghost stories.All stories are not equally good but the over all treatment of the film is excellent.The title card is poetic.The language is not a problem to watch the film.

The four stories are 'Black Hair','The Woman in the Snow','Hoichi the Earless' and 'In a Cup of Tea'.I like all the films because its way of treatment,the color,the music and sets are so good for ghost stories.All the four stories are simple and really ghost stories not 'horror' film. Among the four films 'The Woman in the Snow' is a nice one and probably 'Hoichi the Earless' is the best. But again,all the four films are very nice to watch and those are for all ages.
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