Marple: Murder Is Easy (2008)
Season 4, Episode 2
Good heavens, it's wretched!
30 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
People, is there ANY reason you have to butcher the original story? Luke does NOT live in the village, he's only recently returned home, and Bridget Conway is NOT an American trying to find her parents! What was so bad about Bridget being Lord Easterfield's intended, and Luke stealing her away? And Honoria Waynflete is supposed to be the same age as Easterfield, not 20 years younger! I understand the initial meeting between Luke and Lavinia had to be changed to add Miss Marple to the story, but they totally missed on the rest of it, and yet, they took the care to make sure the extremely minor subplot about the doctor's daughter and the younger doctor was left intact??? And why the changes in the Lord Easterfield character? He was a poor boy who worked his way up in the world and became rich, no need for him to be politician WITH a wife already! I know Dame Agatha had some books she liked better than others, and I don't know how she felt about this one, but I'd bet she'd be mighty disappointed with it. At least they didn't make half the characters gay in this one....:-) (nothing wrong with gays, but pointless changes of sexual preference just to make the story more tititlating are LAME!) This gets a 2 though because as always, it's beautifully shot, and costumes, cars, etc are all extremely well done. HOWEVER, I'd prefer a little less technical perfection and a BETTER interpretation of the story!!!!
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